Wisconsin Tribal Judges Association

Court Safety and Security Conference

March 11 to 13, 2025

Court Safety and Security Conference
March 11 to 13, 2025
Appleton, WI

Register now. Click here: ncjtc.fvtc.edu/training/details/TR00005438/TRI2352889/court-safety-and-security-conference-2

Courthouses serve as the center of many government, legal, and community activities. They can also be vulnerable to threats of violence for all who use them.

Join us to learn effective strategies and best practices to enhance a collaborative courthouse security philosophy. Gather tools and resources from current state and federal court services experts related to security planning, jury and witness safety considerations, and threat assessment and management.

Presenters include experts in the areas law enforcement, state and federal attorneys, judges and other court services professionals.

Deadline to reserve room is February 15, 2025

The Conference will take place at the Hilton-Appleton Paper Valley
333 W. Colllege Ave., Appleton, WI 54911
(920) 733-8000


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Wisconsin Tribal Judges Association
Wisconsin Tribal Judges Association
Wisconsin Tribal Judges Association